Jul 21, 2023

Tulane University's Jesse M. Keenan Joins ClimateCheck as Advisor

News | by ClimateCheck | 1 Minutes

Tulane University Favrot II Associate Professor of Sustainable Real Estate and Urban Planning Jesse M. Keenan, a globally recognized researcher and thought leader on the impact of climate change on the built environment, has joined ClimateCheck as an advisor.

Dr. Keenan provides ClimateCheck with guidance on how to best model and communicate the impact of physical climate risk on real estate. With a multi-disciplinary background that spans urban planning, law, real estate, and architecture, he helps us navigate the intersections of the build environment, policies that impact real estate, and climate science.

Dr. Keenan was previously on the faculties of the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. He has advised government agencies, politicians, international NGOs, Fortune 500 companies and more. His work has been cited by global media outlets including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, CNBC, PBS, Bloomberg News, Financial Times, The Guardian, and more.

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